Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Monday of the 3rd Week of Advent, Cycle A - December 16, 2013

Monday of the 3rd Week of Advent

December 16, 2013       8:30am

At first sight, today’s gospel sounds like a bunch of children being childish.
“I’m not going to tell you if you’re not going to tell me.”
Actually, the interchange between the religious leaders and Jesus is about a very adult topic.
The topic is: to whom do I give authority over my life?

These particular religious leaders will not make a commitment.
They will not decide one way or the other when it comes to John the Baptist.
Jesus wants them and us to make a commitment.
To whom do we give authority over our lives?
The answer depends upon identity – upon who we think someone is.

Here the real question is the identity of Jesus.
That’s what the religious leaders are getting at when they start the questioning here.
And for us, the underlying question is: who do we believe Jesus is?
Because depending on that, we will decide whether to give him authority over lives.
And this is not just a theoretical issue.
Because if we say and believe that Jesus is the Son of God, then we will allow him to really influence how we live daily life.

So, does he make a difference in whether we take a second drink when we know we should not?
Does he make a difference in how we talk about others?
Does he make a difference in whether we allot time for prayer?
Does he make a difference in how much we buy and whether we try to judge between need and want?
Does he make a difference in whether we try to get reconciled with someone with whom we are at odds?

So the underlying question being posed in this Advent gospel today is: who is Jesus for me?
If he is who I say he is, do I really give him authority over my life?
Jesus wants us, unlike the people in this incident today, to make a commitment.