Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Monday of the 2nd Week of Lent, Cycle A - March 17, 2014

Monday of the 2nd Week of Lent
March 17, 2014    8:30am

In everyday life, our natural tendency is to judge.
We judge today’s weather as good or bad, we judge food as tasty or tasteless, we may judge someone’s clothes as stylish or shabby, and on it goes.
Our natural tendency is to form an opinion and judge just about everything.

This often includes making judgments about people.
We may judge others because of something they say, their hairstyle, their political opinions, their ideas about faith and religion, and on it goes.
One author says, I think insightfully, that when we do this, there is a triple loss: our loss, their loss, and the community’s loss.

First, our loss – because we fail to see and appreciate the real person.
We cannot judge another unless we have been in their position.
And since we can never be in exactly the same place and life circumstance as another person, we really cannot judge them.
When we judge them as good or bad, as worthy or unworthy, it is our loss because we almost always miss the real person that is there.

Then it is also their loss – because we are all injured when we are judged.
We are stereotyped and pigeon-holed.
We get frozen in place.
When we are judged, it is hard to grow and hard to feel connected, much less supported by others.

And finally, it is the community’s loss – because the community is injured.
People are not valued and respected when this kind of judgment takes place.
The community loses out from having the potentials of people unfulfilled.
And the community may not grow in its ways or thinking because of this.

So Jesus gives us quite a challenge today.
He calls us to be as caring and as empathetic as God himself and to refrain from judging one another.
Taking people where they are and moving on from there – that is Jesus’ way and it had some pretty good results.

Jesus calls us to take the same approach.