Monday, May 5, 2014

Friday of the 2nd Week of Easter, Cycle A - May 2, 2014

Friday of the 2nd Week of Easter
Memorial of Saint Athanasius
May 2, 2014         8:30am


The miracle that we hear in today’s gospel is contained in all four gospels.
It may be the only one contained in all four gospels.
But there are some details that are unique to Saint John’s telling of the story.

Only John notes that this happens close to the feast of the Passover.
This seems to be saying that an intervention of God is about to happen, something like God’s intervention at the time of the Exodus which, of course, the Passover remembers.

Only John states that the loaves of bread are barley loaves.
Barley was the food for the poor, so this shows that these people are probably poor and here is Jesus taking care of them.

And on that point, only John says that Jesus takes the initiative to feed all these people.
In the other gospels, it is one of the apostles either taking the initiative to get rid of everybody or to feed them.
This initiative hints at John’s point that the work of salvation is God’s initiative on our behalf.

Finally, Jesus directs that the leftovers be carefully gathered together so they would not be wasted.
There is something very touching about this action.
Jesus starts not by doing something extraordinary like turning stone into bread as he was tempted to do in the desert.
Instead, he starts by taking what is there, the food these people have.
And with that, he feeds everyone and satisfies their hunger.
And then he is concerned about waste.
Instead of wasting anything, he wants it saved apparently so that he and maybe they can go and feed others who are also hungry.

John’s details are beautiful, touching, and instructive for us.

I have to imagine Pope Francis really liking this passage!