Monday of
the 25th Week in Ordinary Time
September 22, 2014 6:30am
Today’s gospel is three verses
and in each verse, Jesus gives a guide or rule for our lives.
First, when Jesus talks about
putting a lamp on a table, he is saying that our faith should be visible for
others to see.
And apparently, it should be
visible in the way that a candle or lightbulb is.
So, with faith, we should bring
light and not just curse darkness.
With faith, we should bring
warmth that invites and not coldness that excludes.
With faith, we should motivate
others by seeing the good and not just bemoaning the bad.
Next, in the second verse Jesus
stresses the impossibility of secrecy.
“There is nothing hidden that will not become visible.”
Eventually, we cannot succeed in
hiding the truth from ourselves or from others or from God.
Jesus is saying that it is far
better to face up to the truth about ourselves and then we will be free to grow
in the image of God and the way of Jesus.
We will be free to be at peace.
Finally, in the third verse Jesus
gives the guide or rule that “to anyone
who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he seems
to have will be taken away.”
Think of it this way.
If we use our muscles, we will
grow even stronger.
If we don’t, we will lose even
the muscle tone we have had.
If we use our Spanish or Italian
or whatever foreign language we may speak, it will improve and our vocabulary
will expand.
If we don’t use it, we will lose
the little we have.
Jesus’ point is that the same
thing is true in our relationship with him.
If we pray and read Scripture and
actively follow him, we will grow.
If we are indifferent or comfortable
with the status quo about faith, it will diminish.
There is no standing still in
life or in our relationship with him.
So, three guides or rules for
life today.