Monday, December 15, 2014

Wednesday of the 2nd Week of Advent, Cycle A - December 10, 2014

Wednesday of the 2nd Week of Advent
December 10, 2014       6:30am


Today’s gospel passage got me thinking about the idea of rest.
Jesus says: “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.
You will find rest for yourselves.”

I got thinking about what words or ideas I associate with rest.
I have placed them in alphabetical order:
comfort, clear-headedness, home,
peace, refreshment, and security,
Maybe you can think of some other associations with rest.

Very simply, Jesus invites us to find our rest in him.
So in him we can find comfort when we are besieged or troubled;
clear-headedness when we just need perspective on things;
a home or home-base where we know we will just be taken and accepted as we are;
peace when we feel anxious or in conflict;
refreshment when we are tired and need something to enliven our spirits;
and security, something, someone to hold on to amidst the uncertainties of life.

At least for me, that is what resting in Jesus can bring us.
Being with the Lord in prayer or silence or being with others as persons of faith can bring us this kind of rest.

I came across a brief night prayer that I think expresses something of the rest we can find in Jesus.
I will close with this:
“Holy Friend,
I leave a great deal still undone,
but that’s what you make tomorrows for.
‘Sufficient today are the evils thereof’
but sufficient as well the successes.
For both of which I thank you.
