Sunday, March 22, 2015

Friday of the 4th Week of Lent, Cycle B - March 20, 2015

Friday of the 4th Week of Lent
March 20, 2015    8:30am


In some of our schools and other institutions today there is an emphasis on diversity.
The idea here is that it is important for children and teenagers and adults to be exposed to diversity.
I know a professional who does diversity training for organizations.
This seems to me to be a good idea and I say that based on today’s readings.

In the first reading, the people are plotting against a person whom they call “the just one.”
They actually see this man as good, but the problem is that he is different from them. 
They say: “His life is not like that of others, and different are his ways.”
True, his life and lifestyle and even some of what he said called them and their life and lifestyle into question.
That was threatening to them.
So, “the just one’s” 1) being different and 2) his challenging them a bit were threatening.
They were afraid of him and so they went after him – to attack and torture.
This, of course, is precisely what happens to Jesus and today’s gospel shows one of the scenes where this gets expressed.

So, diversity – it is a good thing.
We need to experience those who are different in race or religion or culture or even in their Catholic thinking about things.
If we truly experience and listen to the other person, we are far less likely to persecute, demonize with our tongues or exclude or distance with our actions.
But we are only asked to see others as persons, different from us, but also the same in having a unique life story just as we do.

What happened in the readings today can happen again today – and even be done by us.