Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Wednesday of Holy Week, Cycle B - April 1, 2015

Wednesday of Holy Week
April 1, 2015        6:30am


Yesterday we heard St. John’s account of Judas’ betrayal.
Today we hear St. Matthew’s account of the same thing.
I want to highlight two details.

First, Jesus says, “My appointed time draws near.”
Matthew recalls that Jesus is aware of the betrayal and of his suffering and death that is approaching.
And yet, he is resolute and resolved to move on.
In this, Jesus shows himself as being the suffering servant described in the first reading from the prophet Isaiah.
The servant says, “The Lord God is my help.
I have set my face like flint.”
Saint Matthew shows Jesus as willing to embrace the suffering that is part of his mission, part of doing the Father’s will.
So maybe there is a lesson for us to think about here:
A lesson about our willingness to embrace suffering that is part of our vocation or part of our responsibilities in life.

The second detail is that Matthew carefully records Judas addressing Jesus as “Rabbi.”
In Matthew’s gospel, this title is only used by Jesus’ opponents who do not understand his full and true identity.
By this time, Judas should have known and accepted who Jesus is, but he did not.
So maybe again there is a lesson for us to think about here:
that we need to make time to get to know who Jesus is and in him, who God is.

We need to do that through prayer in general, and especially through prayer that involves the reading of the Scriptures.
This brings us into fuller and fuller relationship with God.

And that in turn will help us to be faithful to Jesus especially in challenging moments, especially when there is some suffering involved.