Thursday, July 16, 2015

Monday of the 14th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle B - July 6, 2015

Monday of the 14th Week in Ordinary Time
July 6, 2015                  8:30am

In today’s first reading Jacob receives a message from God in a dream.
He wakes up and says, “Truly, the Lord is in this spot.
“This is nothing else but an abode of God.”
In the gospel, we see God present and acting through touching – Jesus touching the young girl and then allowing the woman to touch his cloak.

We ourselves believe that God is everywhere.
We believe that God is in persons, in the mountains and the sea, in the sun and moon and stars, and in the soil and produce of the earth – everywhere!
But even though we believe this, we still celebrate and believe in God’s presence in particular places and at particular times.

For us, Jesus gave us sacraments to highlight at particular moments the presence and power of God.
So, on the one hand, God’s presence and power are there for us in any place and at any time.
But on the other hand, without sometimes making a point of it, we tend to forget God’s presence and power.
As the saying goes, “Out of sight, out of mind” – and maybe this is precisely why Jesus gives us the sacraments.

Jesus himself was the walking embodiment of God’s presence and power.
Our theology calls Jesus the original sacrament.
In him, all God’s grace is available to us.
Since the time of his resurrection and ascension, his presence and power are now available especially in special signs and words, in sacraments.
And interestingly, what we call the highest of these signs – the Eucharist – uses ordinary bread and wine.
Jesus uses that for his body and blood, to make himself and his power present to us.
And the very ordinariness of this sign takes us full circle, and reminds us that God is present everywhere – in all creation, even the very ordinary.

That must be one reason why he tells us to “Do this in memory of me.”