Thursday, July 7, 2016

Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, Cycle C - June 24, 2016

Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
June 24, 2016      8:30am

I think Saint John the Baptist has something to say to us today.

In our second reading, John makes his relationship to Christ very clear.
He asks, “What do you suppose that I am?
I am not he. 
One is coming after me; I am not worthy to unfasten the sandals of his feet.”
In another place, John refers to Jesus and says: “He must increase; I must decrease” (John 3.30).

So John displays what we call self-effacement.
That is about as popular a word as humility in our culture.
In many sectors of our society, blowing one’s own horn, as the saying goes, is almost a necessity.

I think we have to blow our own horn when we are applying for a college or looking for a job, things like that.
We have to assert and lift up our strengths.
This is appropriate and necessary at times.
The danger is that this kind of self-promotion can flow into many areas of our lives.
For example, we may dominate or interrupt conversations to make sure others perceive us as being very knowledgeable and smart and competent.
Or we may tout our accomplishments or titles or whatever.

Instead of this, let’s try listening to others and even questioning to understand their viewpoint.
And let’s try commending others for their achievement or skill and giving the focus to them.

John the Baptist has this kind of self-effacing, humble approach in relation to Jesus.

His example calls us to embrace this in relation to Jesus and in relation to one another so that we can grow to become Jesus-like persons.