Tuesday, August 15, 2017

19th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle A - August 13, 2017

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle A
August 13, 2017       
4:00 pm and 8:00 am at Saint Mary Parish, Pylesville
11:00 am at Saint Matthew Parish, Baltimore

Physical Balance

This past Monday, I participated in a strength and balance class at a fitness center.

This particular class is designed especially for seniors.  So, I qualify!

One of the balance exercises was to stand on one foot.  We were to concentrate on placing all of our weight on one foot – let’s say my left foot.

Then we were slowly to raise the right foot about six inches off of the floor, touching the side of our left leg.  We were to try to stand that way, with all weight on one foot for about ten seconds. 

But, to succeed in doing this, the trainer advised us not to look at ourselves or others in the mirror or at anything in motion.  Instead, we were to keep our eyes focused on a fixed, still point on the floor.

And doing that, at least for me, was important.  Keeping my eyes focused on that fixed, still point helped me to maintain my balance standing on one foot. 

Peter’s Balance in the Storm

Well, I am not here today to lead us in exercises for physical balance.

But, I am suggesting that the trainer’s guidance to keep our eyes focused on a fixed, still point is also excellent spiritual guidance.  Look what happens to Peter in today’s gospel.

Peter steps out of the boat to walk onto the water.  At first his eyes are on Jesus and he is okay.

But then, Peter takes his eyes off of Jesus and gets focused on the wind and the waves.  He gets focused on the storm and quickly starts to sink. 

The crucial point here is that when Peter keeps his eyes fixed on Jesus, he keeps his balance and is dealing fine with the storm.  But when he takes his eyes off of Jesus, he’s in trouble. 

Our Storms

I believe that there are storms in all of our lives – no exceptions!

For me, the one I remember very well is when I was thirty years-old.  I had been a priest for four years and seemed to be doing pretty well.

But all of a sudden, I began seriously questioning my vocation.  Eventually things got sorted out and resolved, but wow, that was quite a storm for me for the better part of a year.

There are lots of other possible storms.  A doctor’s report that we have cancer, a heart attack, the death of your husband or wife or child or parent, an addiction to alcohol or drugs or gambling, the loss of a job, the break-up of a marriage, and on it goes.

Our Balance in Storms

I believe that keeping our eyes focused on Jesus in these storms is crucial.

It’s something like what the trainer told us to do to keep our physical balance.  It’s what Peter needed to do when he stepped out of the boat into the stormy water.

We need to keep our eyes on Jesus as our fixed or stillpoint.  He will help us to keep our spiritual balance and get through the storms.

Practically speaking, I offer one recommendation.  At the beginning of each day, pray.  It can be your own prayer, right from your heart.

It can be a prayer you have learned.  It can be a prayer in a prayerbook.

It can be one of the psalms or a short passage from one of the gospels.  It doesn’t have to be long – maybe five minutes or even less.

But every day – no exceptions – pray in the morning.  And then, from that prayer, take one word or a phrase that you can repeat throughout the day.

For example: “Jesus, be with me.”  Or, “God of love.”  Or, “Emmanuel” or what that word means: “God is with us.”  Or, “Do not be afraid.”

They are just examples.  The idea is to pick a word or phrase, and then, repeat it throughout the day – wherever you are, whatever you are doing.

It is a good way to keep our eyes on Jesus as the fixed or stillpoint of our lives.  It is a good way to keep our balance and get through the storms of life.