Sunday, October 1, 2017

27th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle A - October 8, 2017

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
 Cycle A
October 8, 2017 

Today’s gospel is one of Jesus’ parables that is almost an allegory.
An allegory is a story where almost every detail has some significance or meaning.

To begin with, the vineyard is an Old Testament image for Israel.
The Scripture sees Israel as God’s special people and pictures Israel poetically as a vineyard.
The owner of this vineyard is, of course, God himself.
The workers in the vineyard are the political and religious leaders of Israel.
The servants sent by the owner are the prophets.
And, of course, the son of the owner is Jesus himself.
With that background, the parable teaches us something about God, about God’s Son Jesus and about ourselves.

First, there is the generosity of God.
The owner supplies his tenant workers with a very good vineyard.
The point is that God entrusts us with great opportunities here on this earth.
Then, there is the patience of God.
The owner repeatedly sends messengers to get his share of the grapes.
The point is that God is patient with us as we grow spiritually and God gives us a lifetime to respond fully to his calling.

Then, the parable is clear about Jesus’ identity.
He is called the beloved son.
He is also the last person whom the owner has to send.
The lesson here is that Jesus is God’s last word spoken to us – last in the sense that he is the complete fullness of God and God’s message.

Finally, the parable shows the human temptation to get away with what we can.
It shows our tendency of “out of sight, out of mind.”
We can tend to forget God and our responsibilities to God if we fail to keep God in our spiritual sight through prayer.

So, a rich parable with lots of teaching today.