Tuesday, January 23, 2018

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle B - January 21, 2018

3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Cycle B
January 21, 2018

The Word “Immediately”

In these weeks in our Church calendar, we are beginning what is called Ordinary Time.

These are the ordinary weeks of the year.  Right now, there is no special season, like Advent or Lent.

We just continue the everyday, ordinary journey with the Lord.  And as we begin this, we hear from Saint Mark’s Gospel, Chapter 1, and there is one thing I want to point out about Mark’s Gospel and today’s passage.

In his Gospel, Mark uses the word that we translate as “immediately” or “at once” 43 times. In Chapter 1, Mark uses this word 11 times.

In today’s passage, he says that Peter and Andrew immediately left their fishing nets and followed Jesus. And then James and John immediately left their father Zebedee and followed him.


God Acts “Immediately”

Mark’s first point is that God’s action is happening – right now, immediately, at once.

Jesus is fulfilling God’s plan and promise to humanity – right now, immediately, at once. What is the lesson for us?

First, let’s look for how God is doing that for us right now.  Here in the Word of God and in the Sacrament of the Eucharist God comes to us with his saving word and grace – immediately, right now.

God may come today in the wise words of a person with whom we are speaking – words that we may or may not welcome. God may come in the simple smile or joy of a child.

So, let’s be alert to how God comes to do his work with us right now. God is acting immediately.

We Respond “Immediately”

And then, let’s respond immediately, at once, like Peter and Andrew and like James and John.

Let’s not make excuses and not rationalize and delay. Let’s respond today, immediately, at once, to the promptings of God, whether they come to us directly or through others.

Let’s keep in mind that one word: “Immediately.” Mark keeps repeating this throughout his gospel and doesn’t want us to miss it.