4th Sunday of Advent
Cycle A
December 23, 2019
Saint Mary Parish, Pylesville 8 and 9:30am
My Sleeping on a Homily
Sometimes I find it difficult to get the idea for my Sunday homily.
I reflect on the readings early in the week. I ask myself: what are these passages, especially the gospel, saying to me today, in my life?
And then, what are they saying to us today, in our lives? Sometimes it just doesn’t get clear.
And then what I do is re-read the Scripture passages and some commentaries before going to bed, maybe on Wednesday evening. I just sleep on it.
And almost always, I wake up in the morning and it’s clear. Sleeping on it has a way of helping me to see it as I had not seen it before.
Joseph Sleeping on His Dilemma
I wonder if something like this is what happens to Joseph in today’s gospel.
Joseph and Mary are betrothed. In that culture, this was more than being engaged.
Betrothal meant that they were married but not yet living together as husband and wife. So, betrothal could only be ended by divorce.
Joseph learns that Mary is bearing a child and he knows that the child is not his. He must have been confused, upset, disappointed, and maybe angry.
The religious law of that day calls for Joseph to divorce Mary and for Mary to be publicly shamed and punished. But, Joseph sees no good coming from this and doesn’t want it to happen.
So, he decides to divorce Mary quietly, without any accusation against her. Still, something tells Joseph to take time with his decision.
He decides to sleep on it and see what he thinks in the morning. He wakes up and now things look different and clear to him.
Something tells him to trust Mary. In fact, Joseph senses that God through an angel has told him that Mary’s pregnancy is an action of God, that this child will be very special, and that he should go ahead with the marriage.
Joseph Responds
In all of this, Joseph is a great example.
He doesn’t just react out of anger or hurt or pride. He doesn’t react hastily.
Instead, Joseph takes time to be with the situation. He gets in touch with what God is saying within himself.
He is decisive and not rash, reflective and not reactive. And, of course, the result is wonderful.
Joseph cooperates in bringing God’s Son into the world. What a wonderful example he is!
I have to ask: how much more of God’s presence and peace can enter our world if we respond to situations as Joseph does? Step back – reflect – pray – sleep on it – get in touch with what God wants – what a helpful, positive approach this is!
Joseph Respects
Joseph shows one more trait that I don’t want us to miss.
He is a religious man and respects the religious law, but he doesn’t want to expose Mary to shame and disgrace. So, he is going to live up to his faith, but in a way that is not self-righteous and not destructive of Mary.
Well again, what a good example Joseph is! Sometimes, in our world and in our religion, we think that we have to “stand up” for what we believe.
And sometimes, this “standing up” becomes a “putting down.” Sometimes we think that “standing up” for something we believe is right means “putting down” others whom we believe are wrong.
This is an unfortunate approach. It is not the way of Joseph or of Jesus.
It is not the way that Pope Francis is modeling for us. Joseph’s example today is a great example of being able to “stand up” for something and still respect the other person at the same time – a both/and approach.
It is an example of great strength, not weakness. It is a powerful example for us men today and, for that matter, for all persons as we deal with the situations in our lives.