Sunday, November 8, 2020

Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time - November 6, 2020

 (Instead of a regular homily, the pastor spoke at all Masses this weekend about stewardship or offertory renewal. Therefore, today I am posting a homily which I gave at Mass this past Friday.)   


Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time

November 6, 2020 11:00 a.m.

Bon Secours Retreat and Conference Center 


Philippians 3:17-4:1

Luke 16:1-8


This past Sunday, I had a Zoom visit with my brother and sister-in-law who live in Roanoke, Virginia.

As you know, with Zoom and Facetime and other technologies like them, we can be miles away from each other and still see one another as we talk.

What a blessing this has been for families and friends and businesses and everyone during this pandemic!

Then there is the capacity of our computers and cell phones and GPS systems – some years ago, we would never have imagined such conveniences.

But, imagination and initiative have led to so many things that have improved or made our lives more comfortable. 


It’s that kind of imagination and initiative that Jesus praises in today’s gospel parable.

And, let’s be clear, that’s the only thing he is praising here.

Jesus is not praising the dishonesty of the steward in the story.

That guy was dishonest in managing his boss’ business, and Jesus is not condoning that. 

Rather, Jesus’ one point is to call us to have the imagination and initiative that this guy had, but to have it when it comes to the things of God.

So, he wants us to be imaginative and take the initiative when it comes to our personal relationship with God.

He wants us to look for ways to carve out time for prayer and even to look for new forms of prayer that will bring us closer to God. 

Jesus also wants us to be imaginative and take the initiative when it comes to our relationships with each other.  

He wants us to look for the right way to show empathy for that family member who is hurting and even to figure out ways for the last and the least and the lost in our society to have enough.


So, be as imaginative and take as much initiative in the things of God as in the things of the world – that’s the message today.    


Father Michael Schleupner