Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Feast of Pentecost, Cycle B - May 19, 2024

 Feast of Pentecost – C 

May 19, 2024

Our Lady of Grace Parish, Parkton 


Three Images


On this feast of Pentecost, I want to offer you three images that may help us to appreciate who the Holy Spirit is.


The Spirit: Brick and Mortar


Let’s begin with this church building, Our Lady of Grace church, and other buildings that are made of brick.


We call them brick buildings even though they are really brick and mortar. The mortar is soft and wet when it is applied, but when it dries, it hardens and is far less visible than the brick.


The mortar ties the bricks to one another and to the foundation. It transforms a pallet of bricks into this solid church building.


Now the Holy Spirit is something like this strong but not very visible mortar. The Spirit binds us to God the Father and Jesus the Son.


In this way, the Spirit is our strength and security against the many insecurities of life. Each one of us looks for some security, some firm grounding that we can rely on and build our lives on.


This is really the Holy Spirit acting within us. And when we feel insecure, it is again the Spirit moving us to seek our security in the Father and the Son.  


The Spirit: Quilt and Thread


So, brick and mortar, and then the second image is a patchwork quilt and thread.


A patchwork quilt can begin with many scraps of cloth. It can be made of material with different patterns and colors and fabrics.


But thread is a key component. Thread is barely visible to the eye, but it holds the diverse pieces of cloth together and makes them into a quilt.


Once again, the Holy Spirit is something like this barely visible thread. The Spirit sews or binds us to one another.


Saint Paul in today’s second reading compares us to the parts of a human body and says that we are all made one body through the Holy Spirit. This is why deep down, we all want to belong and feel some bond with others. 


This is really the Spirit acting within us. And when we feel unwanted or cut off from others, it is again the Spirit moving us to seek this oneness.


The Spirit: Flute and Breath


And the third image I offer today is a flute and breath.


A flute is basically a metal or wooden tube. Some holes are drilled into it at strategic points.


And that’s all it is until a musician breathes into it. The breath or air makes music, and the metal tube becomes a beautiful musical instrument.


Once again, the Holy Spirit is something like this breath or air that flows through the tube. Today’s gospel says that Jesus breathes upon the disciples and in that, gives them the Holy Spirit.


With the Spirit moving through them, the disciples are now empowered to continue the work of Jesus. This is why deep down, we all want to do good things in our lives.  


This is really the Spirit acting or breathing within us. And when we feel restless or when our conscience is bothering us, it is again the Spirit moving us to do what is right and good. 




I hope these three images are helpful.


Think about this: what is your favorite image? Is it: 


1) The unnoticed mortar that binds the bricks to the foundation and to one another and makes them into a strong building and is something like the Holy Spirit – binding us firmly to God the Father and to Jesus the Son.




2) The barely visible thread that holds together pieces of cloth to make them into a quilt and is also something like the Holy Spirit – binding us to one another and making us one.




3) The invisible breath that flows through a flute and makes beautiful music and is also something like the Holy Spirit – moving us to do good for God and for one another.


My favorite is the brick and mortar. What is yours?


Whatever it is, be aware of it and be intentional about living out of it.