Sunday, April 6, 2014

Friday of the 4th Week of Lent, Cycle A - April 4, 2014

Friday of the 4th Week of Lent
April 4, 2014        8:30am


Today’s readings pose a question for me and maybe for each of us.

Is it too easy to say that we trust in God when everything is good or at least okay in our lives?
Is our trust in God too easy when we lack nothing of the essentials in life, when our relationships are going well, and when we are not involved in any significant struggle?

Obviously, each of us likes peace, comfort, and sufficiency in our lives.
There is nothing wrong with that and I am not suggesting that we deliberately try to mess up our lives and make them difficult.

But in today’s gospel, we see the struggles of Jesus starting to mount.
Unlike Jesus, we may have no one who will plot against us.
But, at one point or another, we will probably all have to deal with sickness, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, divorce, old age, and on it can go.
And these realities of our human condition can really put us to the test.

To be able to trust and have faith in God in those moments, we need to prepare right now.
We need to tend our relationship with God right now.
Praying each day, deepening our relationship with Jesus by reading the gospel each day, bringing our daily needs to God, and seeking God’s will or message in the small desolations and disappointments and sufferings of life -- these are ways to prepare ourselves for more difficult moments.
Our tending and growing in our relationship with God now will help us in those difficult times.

Our doing this makes our trust and faith in God not superficial, but strong and deep.