Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday within the Octave of Easter, Cycle A - April 22, 2014

Tuesday within the Octave of Easter
April 22, 2014      8:30am


In today’s gospel, Mary Magdalene does not at first recognize the risen Jesus.
Jesus asks why she is weeping, Mary responds, and then Jesus simply says: “Mary.”
And with that, with Jesus simply calling her by name, Mary recognizes him and believes.
I ask myself: how can that happen for us?
How can we hear Jesus calling us by name?
I have 2 ideas.

First, in prayer, maybe it is important for us first to call Jesus by name and talk with him in prayer.
Mary turned and looked at this person and engaged in conversation, even though she did not recognize him.
I am thinking that in a sense, the first step is up to us.
We need to open ourselves to God, to want a relationship, a personal relationship.
If we do that, we may hear and feel Jesus calling us by name and speaking to us personally.
We may experience that personal relationship with him.
We, like Mary, may be awakened to faith or to a firmer and fuller faith.

And the second way is through others.
Other persons of faith may be Jesus for us.
Their calling us by name and speaking to us personally may awaken us to Jesus being present and alive with us.
God usually acts in ordinary, human ways, and that includes through those who are in our lives.
So, we need to do this for one another.
We need to call one another by name, to enter into relationship with one another and in that way we can awaken that sense of Jesus’ presence and awaken faith in one another.

These are my thoughts from Jesus simply speaking the name “Mary.”