Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Feasts of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels, Cycle A - September 29, 2014

Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels

September 29, 2014      6:30am


Today, we celebrate the feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels.
An Archangel is apparently the highest of the angels.

Michael’s role was as a protector against evil.
The Old Testament tells us that Michael expels Satan from heaven and enables the reign of God to begin there.
That reign has not yet fully arrived here on earth, but even today’s gospel assures us of the presence of God’s angels to enable the light and life of God to be present.
Maybe we experience Archangels like Michael in the assistance of spiritual advisors or good friends who strengthen us to do good and avoid evil.

Gabriel was God’s messenger.
He announced the birth of John the Baptist to Zechariah and the birth of Jesus to Mary.
Gabriel reminds us that there are still messengers from God in our lives.
Today our Gabriels may look like a parent, a teacher, a spouse, a counselor, or a priest.

Finally, Raphael turns up in the Old Testament Book of Tobit.
Raphael takes care of Tobit’s son Tobias.
He guides Tobias on a journey.
He expels some demons and even leads Tobias into a lovely marriage.
Raphael is most often seen today in all that parents do to raise their children and bring them to adulthood and happiness.

Raphael, in the Book of Tobit, gives some parting words to Tobias and his wife that tell us the real function and identity of angels and archangels.
I conclude with these and they make a good reflection for us today.
Raphael says: “When I was with you, I was not acting on my own, but by the will of God. 

“Bless him each and every day.”