Monday, October 20, 2014

Friday of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle A - October 17, 2014

Friday of the 28th Week in Ordinary Time

Memorial of Saint Ignatius of Antioch

October 17, 2014          8:30am

In August of 2013, just a little over a year ago, the parish staff and the Pastoral Council had an evening of recollection.
The topic was evangelization – bringing faith to people today, in the 21st century.
The last thing the presenter said was this question:
When people leave Saint Margaret’s church on Sunday, what Good News have they heard?
Have they heard some “Good” News, something to lift them up and move them positively as persons?
The presenter said: this must happen for today’s people and we have to make sure it happens.

It is a great point.
Sometimes Christianity is presented in a negative way, as if it consists only of “Thou shalt nots.”
And sometimes the negativity comes out in blasting the darkness of the world and in harping on sin and sinfulness.

The truth is that Christianity and that means Catholicism is positive.
And we need to present it that way.
Today’s readings are so clear on this.
Saint Paul says that we are chosen in Christ and endowed with the Holy Spirit.
He speaks of our hope in Christ and our having the gospel of salvation – Pope Francis calls it The Gospel of Joy.
And Jesus in today’s gospel calls us his “friends” – what a warm, positive word and relationship.
And he assures us that we do not have to be afraid.

So, the gospel, our faith, our religion is positive.
It is Good News.
We have to make sure we are embracing it in this way and then conveying it in this way, and not missing this by focusing only on this or that problem or this or that sin or on darkness here or wherever.

This will be our best way to evangelize in this 21st century.