Monday, August 24, 2015

The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Memorial, Cycle B - August 22, 2015

The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Memorial
August 22, 2015   8:30am
Isaiah 9.1-6
Luke 1.26-38

Today’s celebration of the Queenship of Mary has special significance for us in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Our Cathedral is named the Cathedral of Mary our Queen.
There is so much to say about Mary.
I want to share just one thought, based on today’s very familiar gospel passage.

We refer to her as the Blessed Mother.
Mary emerges in the Scripture, as we heard today, as the one who is to be mother of the Savior, the one who will bring God’s Son into the world.
In doing that, Mary exalts the role of motherhood.
She is a kind of patron of mothers.
She shows the great vocation and role simply of being a mother – of bringing a child into the world and then of nurturing the child toward full maturity.

In doing this, the Blessed Mother also lifts up for us the life and value of all children.
At least indirectly, Mary affirms the sensitivity and reverence and respect that we owe to the life of all unborn children.
And she calls not just mothers, but fathers and all of us to remain aware of how noble and important is the calling to foster the growth and well-being of all children.

That is something of Mary as Mother.

And that is one reason why she has come to be known as Mary our Queen.