Monday, September 7, 2015

Tuesday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle B - September 1, 2015

Tuesday of the 22nd Week in Ordinary Time
September 1, 2015        6:30am


Sometimes we speak of evil outside of ourselves.
We speak of the existence of the devil or of demons.
And sometimes we speak of evil within ourselves.
We speak of the power of darkness within us personally, or within humanity in general.
So, whether we are talking of what is outside of us or inside of us, we recognize that there can be an absence of God or of light and goodness.

In today’s gospel, Jesus is dealing with evil.
In this particular incident, he is dealing with an unclean spirit, a demon, evil in this man.
And he deals with this, as the passage says, “with authority.”
Jesus has the power to cast out this evil and to make this man whole.

The reality is that we, each of us has some darkness within us – a dark side.
We are all human.
We are not perfect.

But, we also have Jesus, the Son of God.
And two things flow from the presence of Jesus with us.
First, the power that comes from Jesus helps to tame our sinful inclinations.
And second, the power that comes from Jesus even helps us to become more and more like him.

So, Jesus once spoke with authority in the synagogue.
Now he speaks to us through the Word of God with power, the power to enlighten us and guide us.
Jesus also acted with authority in freeing this man from the demon.
Now he acts with power when he gives his very body and blood to us and empowers us to live in his way and grow in God’s image.

So, the Word and the sacrament – these two gifts tame the evil or darkness within us.

And they help to make us whole or holy persons.