Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday of the 1st Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle C - January 11, 2016

Monday of the 1st Week in Ordinary Time
January 11, 2016          8:30am

Twice in today’s gospel Jesus calls people to follow him, and both times they do exactly that.
They follow him.

I got thinking about this yesterday afternoon.
When I was growing up, my mother and father would always say: Don’t be a follower.
What they meant was: don’t just go along with the crowd and do what others do.
Do what you have been taught is the right and good thing to do.
It was good guidance and good parenting.
It really helped my brother and me.

So at first glance, this business about following in today’s gospel seems contradictory.

But, the idea I got yesterday is that when Jesus calls us to follow him, he is asking us to own and internalize his values and teachings and then live out of them.
And when we do that, when we are followers in this way, we are really leaders.
We are living out of our relationship with him and out of our inner values and beliefs, which come from Jesus.
And, when we do that, the irony is being a follower makes us a leader.
Maybe we will not be the chairman of this or the president of that, but we will be leading in our own way because we will be following the Lord and what is within us.

That’s my take on this gospel today.