Wednesday, February 3, 2016

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C - January 31, 2016

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C
January 31, 2016         All Masses
Saint Margaret Parish, Bel Air


One of the wonderful benefits of being a Catholic is connectedness.

This connectedness happens on many levels.  And one of these is our connectedness as an Archdiocese Church.

Today, we will hear about an opportunity of expressing this connectedness and making it a very real thing.  We and Catholics throughout the Archdiocese will hear a homily from Archbishop Lori.

The Archbishop will be reflecting on the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal that we do every year at this time.  So, without my saying anything else, let’s listen to Archbishop Lori.


Archbishop Lori  

Our Commitment to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal

So, we have listened to Archbishop Lori, and now I would like to guide us through an opportunity to make a commitment to this Appeal.

First, on behalf of the Archbishop, I want to thank those of you who given to this Appeal in past years and those who have already made a commitment this year.  Our gifts have been used well.

They support a variety of programs, services and ministries that any individual parish, like Saint Margaret’s, cannot do alone.  They make a valuable contribution to the mission of our Church. 

Each of us is called to do what we can in giving to this Appeal.  The parish Development Committee and I recommend as a guide that we give an amount that is equal to 10% of what we give annually to the parish offertory collection.

So, easy math, if we give $1,000 a year to the offertory, the recommendation is a gift of $100 to the Appeal.  Some of us will not be able to do this and I understand that.

Some of us will be able to do the 10% or even more.  And that is great.

If we all do what we can, we here at Saint Margaret’s will make our goal and contribute to doing some very important things for the Church beyond our parish.  By the way, our parish goal is $235,000.

The Cards

Now, at the end of the rows of seats, there are commitments cards and pencils.  I would ask that you please pass these down so that one member of each household has a card and pencil.

I would ask you to make your decision on a commitment today by completing this form now.  I will highlight just a couple things.

First, please take a card even if you have already given or know that you cannot give.  After filling in your name and other other information requested on the left side, please check off the box at the bottom left that is appropriate:

§  My gift information is enclosed
§  I have already given to the 2016 Appeal
§  I do not wish to make a gift at this time.

By the way, please make sure that you complete the line that says Parish name and fill in Saint Margaret Parish.  We want to get credit for what you give!

If you check off that you have already given or cannot give, that’s all you need to do with the form.  Just tear it off and place it in the envelope.

If you check off that your gift information is enclosed, then go to the right hand side.  Notice the recommended giving amounts at the top.

Also notice the line marked Other if none of the amounts printed is right for you.  Then, in the bottom right box, write the total amount pledged, and then the amount enclosed. 

And by the way, you do not have to enclose any amount today.  But if there is an amount enclosed, subtract that from the total pledged and fill in the line marked Pledge Balance.

You can then check off the correct box underneath that: Full Payment Enclosed or 8 Monthly Installments.  Finally, notice that you can contribute by Cash, Check, or Credit Card and again, check the appropriate box and complete the needed information.

When you are finished, please tear off the card, place it in the envelope, and then drop this in the collection basket today.  Again, on behalf of Archbishop Lori, I thank you for your kind attention to this and for your faith and your support of the work of our Church.