Monday, February 8, 2016

Wednesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle C - February 3, 2016

Wednesday of the 4th Week in Ordinary Time
February 3, 2016          8:30am

Jesus in today’s gospel seems to be the victim of rather typical human dynamics.
As we grow up in a family and as we become known by other relatives and classmates and people in the community, we can get pretty much cast in a role.
So, we hear things like:
She’s a real brain.
He’s a clown.
So today we hear the people say about Jesus: “He’s a carpenter’s son.”
In other words, he isn’t anyone special.  
He’s just a carpenter’s son.

In this and similar situations, what happens is that casting one another in a role often boxes in the other person. 
So here in today’s gospel, the people are really saying: He’s just a carpenter’s son!
So where does he get all this understanding and wisdom?
This can’t be for real.
Who does he think he is?
What happens is that the people don’t move to any deeper or fuller understanding of Jesus.
They dismiss him; they write him off.
They box him into a role or expectation.
But in effect, by boxing him in, they box themselves in.
They miss out on who he really is and all he really has to offer.

So maybe the point for us today is: Let’s make sure that we stay open to Jesus.
When he says some things that make us a bit uncomfortable or challenge  us to change our ways or our thinking, let’s make sure that we don’t say things like:
He didn’t intend what he said to apply to me, in my situation.
Or, he was just speaking idealistically and not practically.
Let’s make sure that we don’t box Jesus in, because in doing that, we are really boxing ourselves in.