Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday of the 2nd Week of Lent, Cycle C - February 23, 2016

Tuesday of the 2nd Week of Lent
February 23, 2016        

Sometimes we can allow the call to conversion to get us focused on ourselves.
We may focus mainly on my sins and what I must do to repent.
This might be our way of approaching Lent.
It might be our response to Isaiah’s very strong call to repentance in today’s first reading.

My experience is that this can get us on the wrong footing.
Our first step needs to be to look at Jesus.
When we do this, then we know not only whom to follow and how to live.
We also know who can heal and make us whole spiritually.
And, of course, we and our acts of repentance alone cannot do this.
Instead, it is the power of God in and through the love of Christ.
Maybe Richard Rohr says it well when he states that we must make sure that we follow Christ and not just worship him.
It is Christ and the following of him that must be the first stage of all repentance.
That leads us to the middle stage: an awareness of our sinfulness.
And then that very quickly takes us back to Jesus as the source of forgiveness and healing and wholeness.

If we approach it this way, then we can be hopeful of the outcome.
As God told the contemplative Julian of Norwich:

“It was necessary that there should be sin; but all will be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.”