Friday, May 6, 2016

Feast of Saint Mark, Cycle C - April 25, 2016

Feast of Saint Mark
April 25, 2016      8:30am

Readings:   I Peter 5.5b-14
                  Mark 16.15-20

Today, on this Feast of Saint Mark, we hear the conclusion of Mark’s gospel. 
What Mark or Jesus seems to be conveying here is our role as a Church.

Jesus starts by saying that we are to “proclaim the gospel.”
So there is definitely a verbal and intellectual dimension to our work.
We are to make known the good news of Jesus.

Jesus also says that we are to “proclaim the gospel to every creature.”
So there is a universal scope and dimension to our work.
We are to be eager to bring Jesus to everyone.

Along with this, he says that we will “speak new languages.”
In other words, the message of Jesus will be able to cut across any boundaries of nationality and language and even culture.
It can appeal to everyone.

Jesus also says here that “we will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
This is a way of saying that our ministry is to care for both body and soul.
In fact, sometimes we have to care for bodily needs like water and food and housing before the spiritual can be satisfied.

And finally, Jesus talks about our being able to “pick up serpents…and drink any deadly thing.”
This is not to be taken literally.
He is saying that we will be equipped with special power, the power of the Holy Spirit in bringing light and love where darkness and enmity predominate.

So, it is kind of a summary commissioning of the Church and of us.

It seems like a very fitting way for Mark to conclude his gospel.