Friday of the 5th Week of Easter
Memorial of Saint Catherine of
April 29, 2016 8:30am
Readings: Acts
Today’s gospel is part of Jesus’
Last Supper or Farewell Discourse to his disciples.
If we look at it closely, we find
here the essential elements of what a life of faith in Jesus is all about.
First, our life in Christ is
God’s initiative.
Jesus says: “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you.”
So, our living in Christ begins
with God’s choice.
Second, Jesus opens up to us who
God is.
He says: “I have told you everything I have heard from my Father.”
So, in Jesus we gain insight into
God and ourselves that we would not be able to get by ourselves alone.
Third, Jesus brings us close to
He says: “I no longer call you slaves…I have called you friends.”
So, though him and in him we have
a close relationship with God.
Fourth, Jesus expects us to do
something with this relationship.
He says: “I chose you to go and bear fruit that will remain.”
So, we are not just to believe in
Jesus, but to follow him and live his way.
And fifth, our responding to
Jesus will bring us fulfillment.
Jesus says: “Whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.”
We may not get exactly what we
ask for in our prayers, but we will experience a fulfillment from being in and
with God.
So, if we just look closely at
these farewell words of Jesus, we find some wonderful teaching on the
essentials of living a life of faith in him.