Sunday, June 8, 2014

Friday of the 7th Week of Easter, Cycle A - June 6, 2014

Friday of the 7th Week of Easter
June 6, 2014        8:30am

Today’s gospel tells us something very definite about Jesus.
Peter has denied Jesus three times.
Here Jesus asks him three times, “Do you love me?”
Jesus seeks no retribution or vengeance or punishment for Peter’s denial.
I think we could say he rehabilitates Peter.
He gives Peter the opportunity to return to full relationship and friendship.
Peter does that and Jesus gives him an important mission – to care for his sheep.
What a wonderful example for us Jesus is here!

My other thought focuses on what it means to love someone, to love Jesus as Peter declares here.
I see several things.
First, to love someone means that we want to be with that person.
We today can be with Jesus in our personal prayer and here at Mass.
This is a natural desire if we truly love Jesus.
Second, to love someone means that we are willing to do things to please them.
Peter is willing to accept the mission Jesus gives him here.
We today can do this by trying to follow the way of the gospel as closely as we can.
And third, to love someone means that we are willing to sacrifice for them.
Jesus in this passage foretells the sacrifice Peter will make – that he will go where he does not want to go.
This is a way of speaking about the crucifixion that Peter will also endure as a result of his being an ardent disciple of Jesus.
Today we also will make sacrifices for Jesus and we do this by what we do for our families, our neighbors, our parish, and anyone hurting or in need.

They are my thoughts this morning on this beautiful passage.