Solemnity of the
Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
June 24, 2014 6:30am
Today’s readings make it clear
that John the Baptist was called before birth by God.
God selected him to prepare the
way for his Son, for Jesus.
Of course, while God called John,
John also needed to respond and cooperate.
I am thinking that we can
summarize John’s response in two words: renounce and announce.
First, John renounced the normal
comforts of human life.
He saw beyond the passing
pleasures of this world.
He saw something more important,
something of infinite and eternal value that would bring us real happiness.
So John renounced all normal
comforts and lived a really austere life.
His doing this opened his heart
and mind and spirit to the wonderful message that God was bringing to this
Obviously, we are not called to
renounce things in the way that John did.
Maybe our renouncing is more like
not filling up our lives with so many possessions and activities and concerns.
Maybe our renouncing is more like
keeping space for God and our relationship with God, and for prayer, reflection
and Mass.
So John renounces, and then he
He announces the coming of the
kingdom of God in Jesus.
And, as is so typical of holy
people, John does this with humility.
He humbly says, “Behold, One is coming after me; I am not
worthy to unfasten the sandals of his feet.”
This humility is also an
essential trait for us in announcing.
Maybe with this virtue, we
announce not by saying anything, but simply by living with a reverence for God
and a respect for all that God has made.
We announce by living with our
focus beyond ourselves.
So, renounce and announce – this
was the life of John the Baptist and a good pattern also for our lives.