Sunday, June 8, 2014

Monday of the 7th Week of Easter, Cycle A - June 2, 2014

Monday of the 7th Week of Easter
June 2, 2014        8:30am

The disciples today get very self-confident.
They finally think they get what Jesus is talking about and have it all very clear.
They say that no more questions are necessary.
We believe and that’s it!
It’s all settled.

And Jesus says: “Whoa!  Slow down a bit!”
Jesus knows that very soon they will abandon him.
This scene happens soon before Jesus’ betrayal and suffering.
Jesus wisely knows that faith is not easy.
And it is never something over and done with, never something that we can think it is all together or with which we are all set.

There will be challenges to faith, maybe all throughout our lives.
There might be the challenge of prosperity and comfort – will we then start feeling entitled to what we have or so absorbed with ourselves that we forget our need for God?
There might be material and financial need – will we then think God has forgotten us?
There might be sickness – will we be tempted to question why this has had to happen?
There might be grief and loneliness – will we wonder why God would allow this to happen?
And there will be aging – will be rebel at the loss of our energies and independence and protest against God?

Jesus rightly slows down the over-confidence of the apostles and of us.
We need to pray for faith – for the faith that means trusting in God no matter what, for the faith that means daily praying to God when we are in darkness to see us through to the light, for the faith that will help us feel God’s closeness and warm love when we need it most.
So when we pray for our needs, let’s pray for the gift of a strong and enduring and growing faith.

That’s what Jesus is prodding the apostles to do today.