Sunday, August 3, 2014

Tuesday of the 17th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle A - July 29, 2014

Tuesday of the 17th Week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of Saint Martha
July 29, 2014       6:30am

From the gospels we know that Martha, Mary and Lazarus – 2sisters and a brother – were close to Jesus.
Jesus must have felt comfortable with them and welcome in their home.
Today we honor Martha, and I think she has several messages for us.

First, Martha shows the value of hospitality.
Saint Benedict used to say that the guest at the door is the person of Jesus and we should treat a guest that way.
So hospitality – in our homes or in our church, God’s home – hospitality shows respect to a guest.
It creates a bond.
It makes someone there for the first time feel more comfortable.
It creates an opportunity for reconciliation if that is needed.
It creates a relationship where Christ can be present and alive.
I have to think that Jesus’ words, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in their midst” – those words apply even in the showing of simple hospitality.

So Martha is an example of hospitality, and then, Martha helps us to appreciate those who work behind the scenes.
That’s what Martha was doing here – getting the meal ready, largely unnoticed.
Those who work behind the scenes know what must be done to make someone welcome or make a good event happen for a large group.
Their efforts make hospitality happen and make relationships possible.
Martha makes us recall this and recall the importance of thanking those who work behind the scenes.

So, our thanks to Saint Martha for the good messages and reminders that she gives us!