Sunday, August 3, 2014

Wednesday of the 17th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle A - July 30, 2014

Wednesday of the 17th Week in Ordinary Time
July 30, 2014       6:30am

The phrase “the kingdom of God” or “the kingdom of heaven” occurs 122 times in the New Testament.
We hear two of those times in today’s gospel.
Jesus compares the kingdom to a treasure buried in a field and to a really valuable pearl.
This idea of the “kingdom of God” is very rich and has at least three dimensions or layers to it.  

First, Jesus himself is the kingdom of God in person.
So, the kingdom is a person and not a thing.
Jesus, by the way he speaks and teaches, leads us to realize the overwhelming fact that in him God himself is present among us.
He is the kingdom of God.

Then second, the kingdom of God is something interior to us.
Our inner self is the essential location of the kingdom of God.
So the kingdom of God is not located on any map.
Instead, it is in our inner being.

This leads to the third dimension of the kingdom: the kingdom of God is to radiate out from us as individuals and become visible through the community of believers in Jesus, in other words, through the Church.
God is present with us as a community.
We are the living body of Christ on this earth.
And through this presence, God, the kingdom is also to become present in and throughout the human community or society in general.

So, 1) through the kingdom that is Jesus, God with us,
2) the kingdom enters us and dwells within us,
and then 3) the kingdom emerges from within and becomes visible in the community of faith and even in the human community in general.

That is something of the richness of this expression in the Scripture.