Sunday, August 3, 2014

Wednesday of the 16th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle A - July 23, 2014

Wednesday of the 16th Week in Ordinary Time
July 23, 2014       8:30am


This morning’s first reading is from the very beginning of the Book of Jeremiah.
Jeremiah recalls God’s words to him:  “Before I formed you in the womb in knew you, before you were born I dedicated you.”
So Jeremiah has this sense, this awareness that God knew him even before he was conceived and born.
And beyond knowing him, God had already dedicated Jeremiah and given him a purpose, a mission, a vocation in life.

I see these words as highlighting how sacred human life is.
Our being, our life comes from God.
God fashions each one of us and brings us into being.
The result is that we are to value the life of each person.
We value that life from even before birth.
And we value that life in childhood, in adolescence, in young adulthood and adulthood and senior years, right up to the time that we return to the One who knew us even before He formed us in the womb.

This deceptively simple message in Jeremiah has far-reaching ramifications.
It calls us to a total, consistent ethic of respect, even reverence for human life – as the saying goes, from womb to tomb.
There will be temptations to shy away from this – when it is challenging to bring a baby to term, or when it seems too expensive to provide health care for everyone, or when we think that the putting to death one has taken the life of another will in some way even the score.
But this sentence from Jeremiah reminds us that life is always from and of God and that the life of each person has a dignity and purpose that cannot be taken away.

So, some thoughts from the Lord’s words to Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you.”