Sunday, January 4, 2015

Feast of the Epiphany, Cycle A - January 4, 2015

Feast of the Epiphany
 Cycle B
January 4, 2015  4:00pm, 7:30 and 9:00am
Saint Margaret Parish, Bel Air

T. S. Eliot

One of the authors I remember studying back in college was T. S. Eliot.

T. S. Eliot was an English poet and dramatist.  He died in 1965.

Eliot wrote a poem entitled The Journey of the Magi.  Obviously, it focuses on the three magi or wise men whom we hear about in today’s gospel. 

And, of course, they are portrayed here in our nativity scene.  I want to read a few lines from Eliot’s poem – The Journey of the Magi.  This is a bit challenging, but it really grabs my attention.

By the way, the poem is written as if it is the reflection of one of these three Magi. I will read this slowly so you can take in what this Magi is saying.

The Journey of the Magi

“…were we led all that way for
Birth or Death?  There was a Birth, certainly,
We had evidence and no doubt.  I had seen birth and death
But had thought they were different; this Birth was
Hard and bitter agony for us, like death, our death.”

Maybe it is good for me to read these few verses just once more.

 “…were we led all that way for
Birth or Death?  There was a Birth, certainly,
We had evidence and no doubt.  I had seen birth and death
But had thought they were different; this Birth was
Hard and bitter agony for us, like death, our death.”

The Magi’s Death

This one wise man or Magi, speaking for all three of them, is saying something very profound.

They see the newborn King of the Jews, the Christ Child.  They see the baby; they see “Birth” as this Magi puts it.

But they realize that they are also seeing expressions of “Death.”  It is the “Birth” of Jesus but it is aspects of their own dying or “Deaths that they see.

And, it is not their physical death, but their spiritual death.  The idea is that seeing the baby Jesus, the Christ Child, this “Birth” forces them to die to certain things in themselves.

This experience forces them to change, to go home different persons.  And the author T. S. Eliot is also saying that our seeing and celebrating this “Birth” must now also involve a “Death” for us. 

Birth and Death for Us

For example, maybe we are to go through a death to our own comfort zone, where we prefer everyone to be like us or to think as we do. 

And in turn, maybe we are to go through a birth to the acceptance of diversity of thought, culture, religion and race.  This is what Jesus does in accepting the diversity in the Magi themselves.

Or, maybe we are to experience a death to some indifference within us toward human life. 

And in turn, maybe we are to experience a birth to valuing the sacredness of human life wherever it is found, as in the unborn child or in young children who suffer from poor health care and poor nutrition and poor education.   The Magi’s respect for the Child Jesus may move us to this.

Or, for us, maybe we are to go through a death to a narrow idea of faith where we think that just by assenting to certain truths we are okay with God.

In turn, maybe we are to go through a birth to searching for a fuller relationship with God and to seeing our entire life as a journey in doing this.  The journey of the Magi is a good example for us.


I have to say that I have never before looked at today’s feast of the Epiphany in this way.

I have never before imagined the experience of the Magi as seeing both “Birth” and “Death.”  I find T. S. Eliot’s poem very thought-provoking.

The one magi says it so pointedly:
“…this Birth was

Hard and bitter agony for us, like death, our death.”