Sunday, January 11, 2015

Tuesday after the Epiphany, Cycle A - January 6, 2015

Tuesday after the Epiphany
January 6, 2015   8:30am

The first readings in this week after the Epiphany are from the First Letter of John.
They talk a lot about love and God being love.
Well, from God we learn something about love.
And one thing we learn from God is that sometimes we are to let go of what is in our own interest and good for the sake of others.
God sent his Son for us and our good.
And the Son in turn offered himself for us.
Both actions tell us something of the essence of God – that God foregoes self-interest for us.

I think it is fair to say that we live in an age of self-assertion and self-fulfillment, and concern for our own rights.
There are many good points to all of this.
However, in this age, letting go of my own self-interest and what is good for me may be difficult.
It may sound strange and counter-cultural.
But at times we do need to do this.

Sometimes we all must relinquish our own self-interest just for life to work in our world.
On a higher plain, we would do this for the common good.
I let go of my self-interest because I want to care for the common good, the overall good of everyone.
On this level, we do this because we value community.
Jesus does this in today’s gospel.
He was not intending to go in the boat with the disciples but sees their fear and gets into the boat and calms both the water and the disciples.
So Jesus lets go of whatever it was that he was going to do for the sake of others, for their well-being – the community, the common good.
And then ultimately, our faith in Christ takes this even further.
This letting go of self-interest is the way to a higher life.
It is the way to be one with God, who is love itself as the reading from John says.
It is the way to live God’s life, to live divine and eternal life.

I see all of this packed in today’s first reading.