Sunday, January 11, 2015

Monday after the Epiphany, Cycle A - January 5, 2015

Monday after the Epiphany
January 5, 2015   8:30am

In this week after the Epiphany, we continue to celebrate Christmas.
We see this in our first reading where Saint John is reflecting on our faith.

St. John says: “This is God’s commandment: we should believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another just as he commanded us.”
It strikes me that the first part of this commandment is crucial: “that we believe in the name of God’s Son, Jesus Christ.”
Later in this passage St. John gets more specific on this:
“Every spirit that acknowledges Jesus Christ come in the flesh belongs to God.”
So, recognizing that the Son of God became flesh in Jesus is crucial.
It is foundational.

When we believe this, we are really believing that “God is Love.”
Because God is so giving of himself that His Son takes on our humanity or, as we would day, is made incarnate.
This is an act of pure and complete self-giving or love.
It is because of this that the second part of Saint John’s statement follows from the first.
Again, John says: “This is God’s commandment: we should believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another just as he commanded us.”
So, a morality and a spirituality based on love flow from our accepting God’s Son being incarnate in Jesus.

Maybe we could put it this way.
If we accept Jesus as the Word of God made flesh, then in our oneness with him we are also one with God who is pure love.
In our being one with God, we are to see all persons as God’s sons and daughters and as our brothers and sisters.

In this way John’s words today are so true: love of one another flows from our belief in Jesus, the Son of God made flesh.