Sunday, October 11, 2015

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B - October 11, 2015

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Cycle B
October 11, 2015      8:00 and 10:00am
Saint Margaret Parish, Bel Air


So, you are a good person.

You don’t steal or cheat or cheat on your husband or wife.  You love your mother and father and try to respect others.

And yet, you are not quite sure.  Something feels incomplete and so you ask Jesus, “Am I doing okay?” 

This is what the man in today’s gospel is feeling and doing.  And then Jesus answers you and says, “Well, as a matter of fact, there is one thing that is lacking.”  

You anxiously ask, “What’s that?”  And Jesus responds to you or me with a 2015 answer that is different from what he says to the man in the gospel but just as unsettling.

He says, “Power off your cell phone and turn off your tablet and your laptop.  And just be there for your family or friends or for anyone you are with and for anyone who is in any kind of need.”

You and I are really put off, much like the man in the gospel.  “Give up my Smartphone and shut down my tablet and my laptop?

“Are you kidding?  I might miss out on something.”


And that is the issue, maybe the problem.

I have read that psychologists are studying this fear of missing out on something as an addiction.  They refer to it by the acronym FOMO – F-O-M-O – Fear of Missing Out.

It is the fear of missing out on something or someone more important, more interesting, or more exciting than the thing we are now doing or the person we are now with.  This other something or someone may be better or worse.

We don’t know, so we just have to check it out.  The thought of missing an email or a text or a tweet terrifies us. 

So we interrupt one call to take another.  We’re constantly checking Facebook or LinkedIn to make sure we are not out of the loop.

We are connected and available 24/7.  This is what we are holding on to, much as the man in the gospel was holding on to his wealth.

Shocking Us

Now, Jesus is not telling us to throw away our cell phones and tablets and laptops.

In fact, the man in today’s gospel is the only person that Jesus ever tells to sell all that he has and give the money to the poor.  He never says this to the apostles or to Martha and Mary and Lazarus or anyone else.

Jesus apparently says this here to shock this man – to shake him into looking more deeply at himself and his life.  And I think it is the same thing with us and all of our electronic and social communications.

Communicating or being connected is a wonderful thing, Jesus would say.  But the kingdom of God is not digital and real caring is not a virtual experience. 

Disconnect to Connect

I think Jesus would say: “Disconnect in order to connect.”

Disconnect from the cell phone or tablet or laptop and do this to connect with those around you.  The purpose of communication is not just communication but communion – communion with others and with God too.

The persons around us are the “poor” to whom Jesus tells the man in the gospel to give his money.  They may not be financially poor or any more emotionally or spiritually in need than we are.

But they are the persons we are with right now – your family at home, your friend with whom you are having a beer, and your child’s teacher at a parent/teacher night.  Jesus is saying to let go of what you are afraid you are going to miss – FOMO – the Fear of Missing Out.  

Disconnect in order to connect.  Make sure your communications are for communion and don’t miss the communion with others that they are meant for.

If you do this, then you can really be with the other person or with God or even with God by being with that person.  And then you will experience an inner peace and no longer FOMO – the Fear of Missing Out.