Sunday, October 11, 2015

Tuesday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle B - October 6, 2015

Tuesday of the 27th Week in Ordinary Time
October 6, 2015   8:30am Middle School

Four eighth-graders (2 boys and 2 girls) were asked to respond to the following questions.  They had two days to prepare for this.

1.    What does the gospel story about Martha and Mary mean to you?
What point is it making?  What is it teaching us?

2.    What question do you want to ask me about this?  What do you not    understand in this?

The ideas I want to convey to the kids are these:

You must pray or else there will no basis or foundation for your life.

Besides personal prayer, Sunday Mass is essential.  It gives us the solid foundation we need for life – for making decisions, for knowing what is right or wrong, for getting through tough times.

It’s like building a house.  You’ve got to put in the foundation first and it must be strong and deep enough or else the house will fall over.

This is why Jesus says that Mary has chosen the better part.  It is not that praying always is better than doing things.  It is that our everyday lives or what we do must first be grounded in prayer or in our relationship with God and that is the problem with Martha in the passage.