(Friday of
the 26th Week in Ordinary Time)
Readings for Memorial of
the Holy Guardian Angels
October 2, 2015 8:30am and 11:00am Seniors
The idea of having a guardian
angel is very comforting.
Jesus talks about “little ones” today and he says that “their angels in heaven always look upon the
face of my heavenly Father.”
The “little ones” that Jesus mentions are definitely children, but not
just children.
They are anyone who is
In truth, they are everyone – all
of us – because all of us are vulnerable as human beings.
So our Catholic belief in
Guardian Angels and in each one of us having a guardian angel comes right from
The word “angel” in its Greek root means “messenger.”
So angels are God’s messengers.
They make God present to us.
They are our companions in the
journey of life.
They guard us or protect us from
evil, from things that can harm us.
They guide us to good, to what
will benefit us and make us more godly.
In all of this, they represent
God to us.
But, they also represent us to God
and carry our prayers and needs to God.
They are with us right through
the passageway of death and present us to God in heaven.
One of our Catholic spiritual
writers says that maybe we understand angels best if we think of them as doing
what the gospel calls us to do for one another:
being there for one another as a
companion especially through life’s rough spots,
guarding and protecting one
another from what is destructive and wrong,
and guiding one another to what
is life-giving and good.
So, the Guardian Angels are God
there for us and they call us to be there, to be angels for one another.