Saturday, April 2, 2016

Tuesday of the Holy Week, Cycle C - March 22, 2016

Tuesday of Holy Week

March 22, 2016    6:30am

Readings:   Isaiah 49.1-6
                  John 13.21-33, 36-38

I am struck by the words at the beginning of today’s gospel: “Jesus was deeply troubled.’
So Jesus is saddened, upset, and maybe very down.
I am thinking that there are two things that may be troubling Jesus.

First, he knows that his end is near, that he will suffer and die.
Second, he knows that Peter will deny that he even knows Jesus, probably out of fear of having to suffer himself, and that Judas will outrightly betray him, maybe just for some money.
No wonder “Jesus is deeply troubled.”

I see two lessons here for us.

First, let’s make sure that we are there for a family member or a friend who is sick and suffering and maybe even dying.
It is not always easy to be there in these situations, but it is so important for the one who is suffering.
Not being alone and having someone there makes a world of difference.
I think each of us would want want that for ourselves and we are called to offer our presence to one another at these times.

Second, each of us can deny or even betray Jesus.
The important thing is to respond as Peter does and not as Judas does.
Judas, so sadly, does not trust in Jesus, in the power of forgiveness and the power to pick up and move on and begin again.
Peter does trust.
In a similar way, our trust in Jesus enables his grace and power to help us time after time to pick up and move on and keep on growing spiritually.

That is the wonder and hope of our faith and our relationship with Jesus.