Saturday, April 2, 2016

Wednesday of the Holy Week, Cycle C - March 23, 2016

Wednesday of Holy Week

March 23, 2016    8:30am

Readings:   Isaiah 50.4-9a
                  Matthew 26.14-25

I want to highlight just one detail in today’s gospel.

Jesus says, “My appointed time draws near.”
Jesus is aware that he will soon be betrayed and that soon he will suffer and die.
And yet, he is resolute and resolved to move on.
In this, Jesus shows himself as being the suffering servant described in the first reading from the prophet Isaiah.
The servant says: “I have not turned back.
I gave my back to those who beat me.”
Jesus is willing to embrace the suffering that is part of his mission on this earth.
He is very intentional - attentive to his purpose or mission and willing to embrace the suffering that comes with it.

For us, the lesson is that we also need to be willing to embrace the suffering that comes with our purpose or mission on this earth.
For us, the suffering may usually be sacrificing our preferences or conveniences or plans.
We may be called upon to do this as part of our vocation in life.
We, like Jesus, may be called upon to do this for the well-being of others – family members, friends, members of the parish.
And, at some point, we very likely will also have to endure physical or emotional suffering over which we have no choice.
And we embrace this too as part of the total earthly mission we have from God.

Each time we embrace a suffering, we can say as Jesus does: “My appointed time has come.”
And we can say as the servant does in the Isaiah passage: “The Lord God is my help, therefore I am not disgraced.”

On this Wednesday of Holy Week, I find this a good reminder and lesson for us.