Saturday, June 22, 2013

12th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle C - June 23, 2013

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C
June 23, 2013     4:00pm, 5:30pm, 7:30am 

Saint Margaret Parish, Bel Air

The Laws of Checkers

One day some young Jewish students were supposed to be studying the Torah.

As you know, the Torah is the core religious law in the Hebrew Scriptures.  Well, instead of studying, these students are playing a game of checkers and unexpectedly, the rabbi walks into the study hall. 

The rabbi surprisingly just smiles and tells them not to be ashamed.  He even says that they can always be studying the law, wherever they find it, even in a game of checkers.

The rabbi then goes on to tell the students the three laws or rules of checkers.  First, you must make only one move at a time. 

Second, you must only move forward, not backward.  And third, when you reach the last row, then you may move in either direction, forward or backward. 

At first, these students just stare at the rabbi, but eventually they realize that the rules of checkers are really spiritual rules for life.  Today Jesus offers us some rules and these parallel the three rules of checkers.

Rule 1: One Move at a Time

Rule 1 in checkers says that we are to make only one move at a time.

Jesus wants us to live with mindfulness, with an awareness of the here and now.  And in that sense, he wants us to make only one move at a time.

Jesus doesn’t want us pulled in so many directions that we are not focused on what we are doing or the person we are with right now.  This is one reason why he asks his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” 

Jesus is interested in our individual experience of him.  He wants us to live with a sense of God and an awareness of him.

Jesus wants us to do whatever we are doing right now with an awareness of who he is and of what God is calling us to be.  He wants us, in this way, to live with mindfulness and make only one move at a time. 

Rule 2: Move Only Forward

Rule 2 in checkers says that we are to move forward, not backward. 

Jesus calls us to move forward in the sense of making sure that everything we do leads us to God.  This is what he means when he calls us to “take up our cross and follow him.”

“Taking up our cross” means that we make choices that are consistent with Jesus’ teaching.  As you know, a cross is made up of two pieces of wood that intersect with one another.

The cross stands for a crossroads and it means that we can go one way or the other.  It is a symbol of decision.

So we might decide not to talk negatively about someone who has offended us but instead to pray about the situation or talk through our feelings directly with that person.  This is an example of deciding to move forward and grow closer to God. 


Rule 3: Last/First Row

Finally, Rule 3 in checkers says that when we reach the last row, we can move in either direction, forward or backward.

It is amazing how many of Jesus’ sayings speak of going to the last row.  For example, “Deny yourself.  Whoever lose their life for my sake will save it.  The last will be first.”

Jesus is saying that giving of ourselves for him will sometimes make us last.  This is why the last row is the most important.

This might simply mean that we spend some time with a neighbor who is grieving the loss of her husband. Or it might mean that we volunteer some of our time to teach religion to the children here at the parish.

The result of doing these things is that we end up experiencing more and more of that fulfillment or fullness of life that Jesus promises.  It is like getting to the last row in checkers where we will be free and fully alive.


So, the rules of the simple game of checkers help us to appreciate some of Jesus’ rules on discipleship.