Monday, December 16, 2013

Saturday of the 2nd Week of Advent, Cycle A - December 14, 2013

Saturday of the 2nd Week of Advent
Memorial of Saint John of the Cross
December 14, 2013       8:30am

Both of today’s readings refer to the Old Testament prophet Elijah.
The Book of Kings tells us that Elijah was taken up into heaven in a whirlwind.
The assumption was made that Elijah did not die and that he would return to earth to prepare the way of the Lord.
This is a belief throughout Old Testament times.

In today’s gospel Jesus refers to this expectation and seems to identify John the Baptist with Elijah.
He may simply mean that John has fulfilled the role that Elijah was expected to play, preparing the way for the Day of the Lord.

This expectation that Elijah would return gave rise to some customs among the Jewish people.
At a Jewish Passover table, there is always an empty chair so that Elijah will have a seat if he comes that year.
There is also an empty chair at a circumcision ceremony.
The idea behind both of these customs is that Elijah was a fierce advocate of faithfulness to the covenant.
And so, the empty chair for him at a Passover Supper is appropriate because that supper is a renewal of the covenant, and the empty chair at a circumcision ceremony is appropriate because there a child enters the covenant of Abraham.

During this Advent season, this custom of the empty chair might lead us to reflect.
Do we expect Christ to come to us as the Jews expect Elijah to come?
Do we try to open our minds and hearts to make room for Christ who might well come to us in unexpected ways?
Are we open to Christ coming to us in other persons, sometimes the least likely of persons?
Are we open to his coming even in situations and events?

So, Elijah and the custom of the empty chair raise a good Advent reflection for us.
Are we open to the Lord’s coming to us today?