Sunday, February 2, 2014

Friday of the 3rd Week of Ordinary Time, Cycle A - January 31, 2014

Friday of the 3rd Week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of Saint John Bosco
January 31, 2014          8:30am

Today, as I said at the beginning of Mass, we remember Saint John Bosco.
John Bosco devoted himself to reaching out to youth, especially street youth who were very inclined to getting into trouble.
John Bosco was known for his patience with them.
He disliked negative discipline and his motto was: “Not with blows, but with charity and gentleness must you draw these friends to the path of virtue.”  
John Bosco used this approach in providing a safe home at first for six boys.
He provided a structure that included prayer, work, and recreation.
He provided training that led them to useful occupations as janitors, printers, shoemakers and things like that.
The six boys that he cared for grew to 800 and this growth led him to found the Salesian Order.
Today there are 34,000 Salesians working in 130 countries, ministering to children and youth and others.

In today’s gospel, Jesus compares the kingdom of God to seed that a farmer plants.
The farmer then trusts that God will see to its growth and it sprouts and yields a good harvest.
Jesus then compares the kingdom to a tiny mustard seed that grows to be a large bush or shrub, large enough to house birds and their nests. 

Saint John Bosco seemed to have this approach.
He provided a safe place for youth and gave them and God working with them time to grow and mature.

Today we might ask: who in our lives needs time to grow and develop and mature?
Who in our lives do we need to entrust to God’s care to see to their good development?
What difference might it make to others in our lives if we proceeded with patience and charity and gentleness?
Do we need to separate the sinner from the sin and act in a way that demonstrates this?

This seems to be the way to imitate the example of Saint John Bosco and respond to the images in today’s gospel.