Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday of the 5th Week of Easter, Cycle B - May 4, 2015

Monday of the 5th Week of Easter
May 4, 2015         8:30am


I am very taken by the example of Paul and Barnabas in today’s first reading.
They have healed a crippled man in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Better stated, they are able to be instruments of God’s healing for this man.
But the people start treating Paul and Barnabas as gods.
Paul and Barnabas maturely and wisely resist this.
They say, “We are of the same nature as you, human beings.”

So, they resist adulation and do not call attention to themselves.
Instead, they declare that they want to steer everyone to “the living God, who made heaven and earth and sea and all that is in them.”
So Paul and Barnabas recognize God’s power and greatness.
They recognize their own humanity and, in that lies the virtue of humility.
The awareness and acceptance of our humanity is humility.

What a good lesson this is for all of us, especially when we receive recognition and acclaim for something.
No matter who we are, no matter what role we fulfill or what vocation we have or what accomplishments we have done, we remain human.
We are instruments of God.
We are to be centered not on ourselves but on God.
There, in God, lies both our real strength and our truest sense of ourselves as persons.

The recognition of our humanity is the virtue of humility.