Sunday, June 7, 2015

Monday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle B - June 1, 2015

Monday of the 9th Week in Ordinary Time
June 1, 2015        8:30am

Last week I heard someone say, “No good deed goes unpunished.”
I have heard this saying from time to time and probably all of us have.
I suppose it expresses exasperation or frustration at trying to do something good and then being misunderstood or unappreciated by others.

This is the situation of Tobit in today’s first reading.
Tobit goes well beyond the requirement of the religious law of his day.
He cares for the body of a man who has been murdered and in doing this, he actually goes against the religious law.
This made him ritually unclean.
But Tobit does this because he believes this is how God himself would respond to the situation.
What happens?
Tobit is mocked and ridiculed, as a do-gooder and especially as a breaker of the law.
“No good deed goes unpunished.”

There is a lesson here for us.
Sometimes we might do what these people did to Tobit.
Maybe what they do or say goes beyond or violates the technical laws of our religion, as in the case of Tobit.
Or maybe it is something we feel uncomfortable with.
Or it might be something that we disagree with.
Whatever the situation may be, I am simply saying that this incident with Tobit beckons us to slow down and pause before we put down or ridicule.
Sometimes we need to try to understand what the other person is thinking or intending.
Sometimes we need to expand beyond our own comfort zone.
Sometimes we need to put things in perspective and prioritize certain values over other values or even rules, as the people mocking Tobit should have done.

We will be hearing this interesting story about Tobit and his family throughout this week and there will some more good lessons from this.