Sunday, November 8, 2015

Saturday of the 30th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle B - October 30, 2015

Saturday of 30th Week of the Year
October 30, 2010 (8:30AM)


Jesus says: “Those who humble themselves shall be exalted.”
He calls us to be humble persons.
Humility or being humble can be elusive.
What does it really mean?
I got thinking of some rather simple rules or guidelines – four of them – that I think can help us to be the kind of person Jesus is talking about in his comment this morning about humbling ourselves or being humble.

First, thank God for something every day.
Realize that what we have or own, even though we have worked very hard for it, is really a gift from God.
Ultimately, when push comes to shove, all that we have is a gift from God.
So thank God for something, for one thing every day.

Second, be in touch each day with some need of personal or spiritual growth.
It might be making a few moments to be quiet and pray every day.
It might be having more patience when things take longer than I think they should.
But be in touch each day with some need of personal or spiritual growth.

Third, listen to others.
Allow others to be the center of attention or at least to have time to express themselves.
Take in what they say and try to appreciate what they are really communicating before we say anything in response.
Listen to others.

And fourth, say nothing when we do not know something or even admit that we do not know it.
Do not pretend that we know more than we do.
Do not play one-upsmanship.
Say nothing when we do not know something or even admit that we do not know it.

I think those simple rules or guidelines will help us to grow to become the kind of person Jesus is talking about in today’s gospel.