Thursday, July 7, 2016

13th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle C - June 26, 2016

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle C
June 26, 2016     4:00pm and 10:00am 
Saint Margaret Parish, Bel Air


Did you ever have a teacher who kept repeating things to make sure the class learned the lesson?  I remember a French teacher I had in high school.

He spoke in French for the entire class period and kept repeating new phrases like, “Comment allez vous?” – which means “How are you?”  He wanted to make sure we learned them.

Or, have you ever heard a priest repeat his one point in a homily – maybe three times?  1) He tells you what he’s going to say, then 2) he says it, and then 3) he tells you what he said.

The Repetition of “Journey”

In today’s gospel, Luke repeats the word “journey” four times. 

He does this as he talks about Jesus’ travel, his journey from Galilee in the north to Jerusalem in the south.  Luke wants to make sure we hear this word. 

Jesus is on a geographical journey, but Luke is also conveying that he is on a spiritual journey.  He is in the process of doing his mission on this earth.

And Luke is also making the point that Jesus wants us to see our entire life as a journey.  We are in process, travelling, on the way to our destination the whole time we are on this earth.

My Sense of Journey

When I realized that this was the gospel for this weekend, my last weekend here at Saint Margaret’s, I thought – how appropriate!

This theme of journey has really been dominant in my spiritual vision for us.  We as persons or persons of faith are on a journey.

We are in process, travelling, on the way to our destination.  We are all human, imperfect, and still becoming the persons God made us to be.

So I believe that we are to take each other and I am to take you as you are.  Being welcoming and inclusive is very important.

In today’s gospel, when the Samaritans are unwelcoming to Jesus, the disciples want to rain down fire upon them and treat them as good for nothing.  But Jesus says no, let’s just respectfully move on. 

So Jesus wasn’t even excluding from his care those who had excluded him.  So, accepting one another as human and still on the journey – that is to be the hallmark of us as a parish and a Church.

Maybe we can state it another way.  The positive requirement to be here and be part of this community is simply the desire to be on the journey with Christ.  

The gathering song that we sang at the beginning of Mass says this so beautifully.  We are to “walk humbly with God.”

“Walk humbly with God” on the journey of life.  This is what we are to be all about.

Thank You

For just a minute, I want to change focus and offer some words of thanks.

I thank all of you, the people of Saint Margaret’s, for these ten years.  I thank you for your faith and for your your generous support of the ministry, services and programs that make us Saint Margaret’s.

I thank you for your patience with me.  I have my own idiosyncrasies and I have made some mistakes and I am grateful for your understanding and patience.

I thank the many of you who have volunteered in one way or another.  It might have been baking a casserole for Our Daily Bread, teaching religion, assisting here at Mass and on and on it goes – there are about 100 opportunities to participate here.

There are 950 listed volunteers in the parish and another 700 in our school – that’s over 1600 listed volunteers and that is wonderful.  I thank all of you.

Finally, I want to publicly thank the parish staff.  They are a wonderful, dedicated and talented group of women and men who really give of themselves to this community.

I have been very blessed with them.  So, to all of you, I say thanks this weekend. 

May the peace and love of the Lord always remain in your hearts.  Amen!