Sunday, June 29, 2014

Monday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle A - June 23, 2014

Monday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time
June 23, 2014      8:30am

I find it important to look at today’s gospel in the context of Saint Matthew’s entire gospel.
If we do that, I think there are three lessons here for us.

First, Matthew uses the term “hypocrite.”
That word originally meant a mask that a person would wear to pretend to be something or someone he or she was not.
For us, it might be like a Halloween costume.
In this passage, Jesus is cautioning us not to pretend to be better than we are or to be better than the next person.

Then, in that context, Jesus tells us not to judge one another.
Here the word judge has the meaning of condemn.
So we are not to condemn one another as bad or evil persons.
We are not to treat others as objects to be judged, but rather as persons to be treated as we ourselves would want to be treated.

Finally, today’s passage is in chapter 7 of Matthew’s gospel.
In chapter 18 Jesus gives us guidelines or a process for addressing another person whom we think is doing something wrong.
So, while we are not to judge other persons, we do need to judge behavior as right or wrong, as good or bad.
We do need to call one another to live according to the way of the Lord.
But, of course, we are to do that without condemning the person and with the care that the Lord showed to the sinful persons of his own day.

We are to do it respectful of their own conscience and aware that they, like us, are on the journey of life – a journey with the Lord and to the Lord, and that they and we are never fully there, never perfect.