Sunday, June 29, 2014

Wednesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time, Cycle A - June 25, 2014

Wednesday of the 12th Week in Ordinary Time
June 25, 2014      8:30am

One of our current Catholic writers cites three traits for good ministers.
These are characteristics needed in priests and all those doing ministry for the Church and in the name of Jesus.

First, they lead us to more charity.
So, even in the face of some evil or wrongdoing, they do not just condemn darkness and put down those perceived as being responsible for it.
Instead, they lead us to charity – to respect for others no matter what and to lifting up the good.

Second, true spiritual leaders lead us to Jesus.
They do not draw attention to themselves especially in a self-righteous way.
Instead, they lead us to the words and ways of Jesus in a humble way, recognizing that they and all of us are imperfect and in need to keep growing to be more like Jesus.

And third, true spiritual leaders lead us to service of others.
They do not focus just on words and statements of faith.
Instead, they lead us to care for those in need and to compassion for those who are hurting.

Today, Jesus cautions us about false prophets.
The word prophet means a spiritual or religious leader.

If we look at the qualities needed in a true and good spiritual leader – leading us to charity, to Jesus and to service – that will help us to discern the quality of spiritual ministry and or religious leadership and to stay on a holy and healthy path.